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Gaps Plugin

The GapsPlugin adds the config and commands for the GapsLayoutEngine proxy layout engine to add gaps between each of the windows in the layout.

Gaps plugin demo

This behavior can be customized with the GapsConfig provided to the <Whim.Gaps.GapsCommands.#ctor(Whim.Gaps.IGapsPlugin)>.

Example Config

#r "WHIM_PATH\whim.dll"
#r "WHIM_PATH\plugins\Whim.Gaps\Whim.Gaps.dll"

using Whim;
using Whim.Gaps;

void DoConfig(IContext context)
  // ...

  GapsConfig gapsConfig = new() { OuterGap = 10, InnerGap = 10 };
  GapsPlugin gapsPlugin = new(context, gapsConfig);

  // ...

return DoConfig;


Identifier Title Keybind
whim.gaps.outer.increase Increase outer gap Win + Ctrl + Shift + L
whim.gaps.outer.decrease Decrease outer gap Win + Ctrl + Shift + H
whim.gaps.inner.increase Increase inner gap Win + Ctrl + Shift + K
whim.gaps.inner.decrease Decrease inner gap Win + Ctrl + Shift + J