Table of Contents


A "workspace" or IWorkspace in Whim is a collection of windows displayed on a single monitor. The layouts of workspaces are determined by their layout engines. Each workspace has a single active layout engine, and can cycle through different layout engines.

The IWorkspaceManager object has a customizable CreateLayoutEngines property which provides the default layout engines for workspaces. For example, the following config sets up three workspaces, and two layout engines:

// Set up workspaces.

// Set up layout engines.
context.WorkspaceManager.CreateLayoutEngines = () => new CreateLeafLayoutEngine[]
    (id) => SliceLayouts.CreatePrimaryStackLayout(context, sliceLayoutPlugin, id),
    (id) => new TreeLayoutEngine(context, treeLayoutPlugin, id)

It's also possible to customize the layout engines for a specific workspace:

    new CreateLeafLayoutEngine[]
        (id) => new FocusLayoutEngine(id)

The available layout engines are listed in Layout Engines.

If no name is provided, the name will default to Workspace {workspaces.Count + 1}.

When Whim exits, it will save the current workspaces and the current positions of each window within them. When Whim is started again, it will attempt to merge the saved workspaces with the workspaces defined in the config.