Table of Contents

Environment Setup

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install tools for the Windows App SDK:
    1. Go to the Install tools for the Windows App SDK page
    2. Follow the instructions for winget for C# developers, or installing Visual Studio
  3. Ensure that the dotnet version specified in the global.json file is installed - if it isn't, install it from the dotnet download page.

After cloning, make sure to run the following in a shell in the root Whim directory:

git config core.autocrlf true

If you've already made changes with core.autocrlf set to false, you can fix the line endings with:

git add . --renormalize

Before making a pull request, please install the tools specified in .config/dotnet-tools.json, and run the formatters:

# In the repo root, install the tools
cd Whim
dotnet tool restore

# Run the formatters
dotnet tool run dotnet-csharpier .
dotnet tool run xstyler --recursive --d . --config ./.xamlstylerrc